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Health Benefits of Propolis

Propolis is a substance that is rich in various substances, making it have various properties, including being able to fight viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It also helps fight inflammation, fight tumors, slow down cell degeneration, and also helps relieve symptoms from respiratory infections and promote

Wound severity level

Burns and scalds are skin injuries that are mostly cause by heat. Whether it’s dry heat like a flame Burns are wound on the skin and body cause by heat. And flames that destroy tissue cells in various parts of the body. They may be cause

Understanding sarcopenia

Sarcopenia is most common in people age 65 and over, especially older adults who are inactive or do not move their bodies. When symptoms of sarcopenia start, patients tend to fall or break bones more often. Early treatment can help delay or prevent serious symptoms.

Strong lungs start with breathing.

Deep breathing, sometimes called diaphragmatic breathing, involves taking a slow, deep breath through your nose, filling your lungs, and lifting your diaphragm. Taking deep breaths can sometimes feel unnatural. We usually use our abdominal muscles to breathe, which is call shallow breathing. Shallow breathing restricts